I was able to squeeze this family in just in time for support! And I’m so grateful I could.
They were a part of my childbirth class, and due to medical reasons she needed to be induced. She advocated for herself hard, getting a second opinion and was able to hold off on induction for a couple more days. She labored beautifully, and toward the end, needed a cesarean.
I waited around, took a nap in my car and ate breakfast with her mom. Once I got up to see her in the postpartum room I asked “How are you feeling about everything that has happened?” Her reply “Honestly not traumatized at all and it had to do with understanding everything that was going on.”
In those moments where things get a little hectic, a doulas role shifts. It becomes more about making sure you have an understanding of everything that was just said to you, having the next steps explained and helping bring a sense of calm and peace to a time that may feel quite the opposite.