Welcome Baby Girl! – March 14, 2024

welcome baby girlMarch 14, 2024 When plans change, so does the support. I’m so grateful to have built a great relationship with this family! And can’t wait to see them again!
Baby Nabber
Baby Nabber circa 2014. I think one of the problems I have as a doula (and obviously before I became one professionally) is sometimes you have pictures of babies…and you don’t know who they are If I held your baby in 2014, and you remember that day…let me know
Taking Calls

You might be a doula if you are taking client calls on the golf course. Frisbee golf course, that is. I should also say I am incredibly grateful to be on the journey with this family. Repost from 2020. It doesn’t matter where I am or when you call…I’m ready!
2023 Recap! (its a little late I know)

I started out 2023 working full time at Chick-Fil-A and pursuing birthwork full time. It took me 8 months to finally step out in faith to pursue my calling…and the only regret I have is that I didn’t trust God sooner (but hey, there were lessons to be learned and growth that needed to happen […]
I only have eyes for you! (cue background music)
As birth and postpartum doulas we get pulled in so many ways, having several clients with needs at the same time…when not expected can be a lot, especially when you throw in trying to still be present with your friends and family. But mama, I promise you…when I am with you, I only have eyes […]
The Perfect Gift Part 5

postpartum doula Having postpartum support often gets over looked. Moms are expected to do everything they did before, and heal, and care for a new baby! They need to be loved and cared for just like that new little one. The goal of a postpartum doula is to “mother the mother”, allowing her the time […]
The Perfect Gift-Part 4

The gift of a birth doula is one that keeps giving!
The Perfect Gift-Part 2

This one doesn’t need much explaination…especially if you have ever had a baby blowout a diaper and all of your necessities are in another room! If you had caddies, how many did you have?
The Perfect Gift-Part 1

I get asked a lot what to give mamas at their baby shower…and this is my personal go to!
Certified VBAC Doula

I’m grateful for walking a path that is ever changing, each mama with different needs that leads me down paths where I seek to know more how to better support them. These past few weeks I’ve immersed myself in learning how to better serve mamas who have had previous cesareans. I hope to help them […]