Jettson Brady James
January 4, 2024
What a whirlwind! This mama had been experiencing prodromal labor on and off for several days…she texted me at 10 pm, just 30 min after contractions started…and they were coming hard and fast! What she didn’t know was that I was already at the hospital with another mama!
The staff were amazing and put her next to the family I was already with! When she got there she got the epidural, and rested for several hours. I bounced back and forth and got her settled in for a nap. When I returned the nurse said “just who we’re talking about!” And just a few minutes later (literally 6 minutes of pushing) Jettson was here!
Something that often doesn’t get talked about is the comfort we can bring dads when they struggle with ins and outs of labor and birth, and when they have to step out…they have someone they can trust to support their wife and mother of their children without having to worry. *also how sweet is that first look as he comes in the room
These births could not have been more orchestrated to see Gods handiwork. One of my backup doulas prophetically spoke when she said “but I bet you’ll be there for both”. And I was!