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McKenzie Cooley – March 2024

I truly don’t have words to describe how incredible Cara is. It’s taken me over a month to write this because I just didn’t know how I was going to fully express our gratitude for her and her wonderful work. I had the pleasure of hiring Cara early on in my pregnancy. I am a worrier and my pregnancy was not all smooth. I could always count on Cara to be just a phone call away with all the right words and prayers of encouragement. The guidance and support she provided me throughout my pregnancy changed my outlook on life and relationship with the Lord for the better. Along with the unexpected turns I experienced during pregnancy, my birth took some unexpected turns as well. Despite all of that, I was able to give birth with the least amount of intervention possible and will always look back and cherish my birth as the most beautiful, special day of my life. It was such an incredible experience and we couldn’t have done it without Cara. I credit the exercises, stretches, and tips she gave me throughout pregnancy with making my unmedicated birth go so smoothly despite being induced. The day my daughter was born Cara came back and forth the hospital twice to support me and was by my side coaching me and my husband the whole time. She calmed me, guided me and made me feel so strong and capable. I can’t say enough wonderful things. After all that, she continues to support me and maintain our friendship by reaching out and we even hired her for a postpartum shift, which was such a huge help. I would highly, highly recommend her…when we decide to have another kid I will 100% be texting her the moment I find out I”m pregnant to hire her again!! 🙂 

What, specifically, was the most unexpected perk of having a doula?

My husband wasn’t expecting it to be so difficult to watch me labor and he has said over and over again that he couldn’t have done it without her coaching him!

What part of doula care was most valuable to you?

Having someone I knew I could always count on to go to with any support I needed 

What would you say was your biggest fear or worry about birth that led you to hire a doula? Did it play out as expected and how did having a doula help you work through that fear?

I knew I wanted to have as little intervention as possible. My biggest fear was that medical intervention would result in unnecessary harm to me or baby. Cara helped me feel empowered to make choices I felt comfortable with and advocate for myself to ensure I was having the best possible experience.

What, specifically, was the most helpful part of doula support and why?

Knowing I could always go to Cara for emotional support throughout the pregnancy

Why did you choose me as your doula?  Was there something that something that made me stand out in a special way?  

It was really important to me to find a doula who was a believer!

Share with me areas that I can grow to better serve clients.

Literally nothing you are perfect not even kidding I have not one single thing you could have done better, you exceeded my expectations by a million and constantly amaze me at how well you love your mamas 🙂