The website is in the process of being updated with new information!

Ana Ursu – February 2024

How likely are you to refer my services to your friends and family (or even strangers)? 10 – Extremely likely If you have a few words about your birth and my services you would like to share in your own words, this is the place to do that! Cara supported me through my entire labor […]

Welcome Kian – May 16, 2024

welcome kian May 16, 2024 Sometimes there are so many words that I want to say about a birth that there are no words. Just because birth looks nothing like it was envisioned, doesn’t mean there isn’t beauty. Being able to experience the birth of Kian alongside them was honestly life changing for me.


Fading into the background… As a doula my goal is to fade into the background, not to be noticed or seen. The roles shift moment by moment…hands on and hands off, words and no words, guiding and following.  Of course there are times when I may take the lead, but more often than not, it’s […]

Lilah Marilyn – May 7, 2024

There was so much sweetness that filed this room! I got a call in the very wee hours of the morning that waters had broken, only to find out later they hiked 7 miles listening to a Viking princess playlist…that will do it! After laboring quietly, she let us know she was ready for the […]

Corey Jr. – May 3, 2024

This sweet [not so] little guy made a pretty quick entrance once labor got started! I was curious how fast, so I looked at the time stamp on photos…1 (max2) pushes and he was crowning, and ONE MINUTE later he was in this mamas arms. One of my favorite things I witness is the care […]

Welcome Asher – May 1, 2024

I was able to squeeze this family in just in time for support! And I’m so grateful I could. They were a part of my childbirth class, and due to medical reasons she needed to be induced. She advocated for herself hard, getting a second opinion and was able to hold off on induction for […]

Welcome Baby Girl! – April 15, 2024

Wowza! I got a call at 2 am, and after about 10 minutes on the phone I asked “How long have you been at 2 minutes apart?” Needless to say mama hadn’t been keeping track and just stayed in the zone. I hustled to her. When I got there, they were still working on packing, […]

Welcome Baby Boy! April 9, 2024

Two births, one day…this little guy was planned to arrive by a cesarean birth a week later, but decided he was ready to come sooner! We found out a few weeks earlier that he was breech, and we worked hard to encourage him to flip, but he was happy where he was. While I was […]

Welcome Kingston – April 9, 2024

This mama beat the expectations of everyone! Advocacy was huge for her (as it should be for everyone), and it was truly beautiful watching her feel empowered to ask questions and voice her concerns. And man, the sweetness of her partner was enough to make my heart melt

Sarah Marie – March 31, 2024

Born at 35 + 4, This sweet little one hopped into the world on Easter…a good bit earlier than we all expected, but mom and dad rocked all of the ups and downs better than I would have!