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Welcome Baby Girl! – April 15, 2024

Wowza! I got a call at 2 am, and after about 10 minutes on the phone I asked “How long have you been at 2 minutes apart?” Needless to say mama hadn’t been keeping track and just stayed in the zone. I hustled to her. When I got there, they were still working on packing, and waiting on grandpa to come stay with their oldest. It took us a minute to walk to the car, pausing for her to lean on me, swaying and breathing through each surge. Once the car was packed and she was able to get in the car we made our way to the hospital!

I’ve served vbac mamas, but this is my first completely unmedicated vbac. Her husband was on top of her care! Birth no matter the circumstances surrounding amazes me the strength we as women and mothers have.