The website is in the process of being updated with new information!

Aunisti N. – Birth Nov 2023

Cara is the best!! If I ever have any more births I only want her to support me as my doula. She goes above and beyond for her clients and she ensures they feel very safe and empowered in their ability to give life to their babies and have the birthing experience that they desire. […]

Aiden Joe – 1/4/24

aiden joe January 4, 2024 There are so many things I want to say about this mamas labor and sweet Aiden’s birth! Th short of it is…PROUD! She was told she needed an induction at 38 weeks, and after the shock we headed that way. I hung out with them for a few hours, went […]

2023 Recap! (its a little late I know)

I started out 2023 working full time at Chick-Fil-A and pursuing birthwork full time. It took me 8 months to finally step out in faith to pursue my calling…and the only regret I have is that I didn’t trust God sooner (but hey, there were lessons to be learned and growth that needed to happen […]

Ky’ayre Jalen Amir – 11/30/23

Ky’ayre Jalen Amir November 30, 2023 This little guy really wanted to keep us all on our toes! After several trips to the hospital thinking it was go time…he decided the day I left to go out of town was the perfect time to come! Although I was not there, I worked behind the scenes […]

Solai Love Grace – 11/18/23

Solai Love Grace November 18, 2023 This mama. What a gal! We met late in her third trimester and I knew right away she was going to be special. She attended my childbirth classes with two other women, and soaked up everything there was to learn. We labored in her home, and headed to the […]

Marinella – Birth June 2023

This was one of the most beautiful births I have attended. Marinella showed incredible strength and calm in labor as she prepared to meet her sweet Daisy. 

Jonathan Lee Lynch – 11/14/23

Welcome Jonathan Lee November 14, 2023 This mama, what a gal! She went in for an induction, and advocated for herself every step of the way. After all of the waiting, labor finally kicked off. She was creative in following what her body told her what to do with each contraction. Her hubs not one […]

Charlotte Grace – March 3, 2024

charlotte grace March 3, 2024 We had chatted early Friday morning about the possibility of being told an induction would be needed for gestational hypertension. All of the questions they could ask, how to advocate for herself and to listen to what her intuition was telling her. I got a text later that day that […]

Jettson Brady James – 1/4/24

Jettson Brady James January 4, 2024 What a whirlwind! This mama had been experiencing prodromal labor on and off for several days…she texted me at 10 pm, just 30 min after contractions started…and they were coming hard and fast! What she didn’t know was that I was already at the hospital with another mama! The […]

Rejina W. – January 2024

I don’t know what I would have done without Cara! My contractions came on so quickly and intense that the birth was very quick. I didn’t have time to wrap my head around what was happening or what I needed to do. Cara helped ground me and redirect my attention to what I needed to […]